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Growth Associates Drives Revenue Growth

Sales-as-a-Service…The Other SaaS

Growth Associates leverages its unique "Sales-as-a-Service" business model to grow revenue results for companies with limited resources, time, and sales execution expertise. Sales-as-a-Service is ideal for start-ups, restarts and new or plateaued company divisions because it enables the client to focus on product development, operations, and marketing messaging while Growth Associates drives revenue activities. Sales as a Service avoids the significant financial investment and time commitment required to ramp an effective, world class sales team.

The implications of these changes mean physical sellers have fewer opportunities to influence buyers. According to Gartner, only 17% of a buyer’s time is spent meeting with a potential supplier and 45% of buyers time is spent researching independently.

Why SaaS

Why Sales as a Service?

The sales process, in particular the control of information and the buying process, has changed dramatically:


  • Control has shifted from vendor rep to the buyer. Traditionally the vendor controlled the timing and flow of information to the buyer. Today digital channels and granular search allow the buyer/prospect to research and identify information critical to problem identification and problem solution/resolution.

  • There have never been more communication channels for buyers to acquire the necessary information. Information on industries, problems, solutions and competitors is instantly available online, in social media, LinkedIn, and review sites like Trust Radius.

  • Over 75% of technology buyers are between 25 and 45 years old. They are well connected digitally and expert at finding information from publicly available sources.

  • 85% of buyers seriously weigh multiple options.

  • Only 1 in 5 buyers said the vendor they bought from was very influential in helping them choose.

  • Only 11% of buyers said vendor representatives were very trustworthy

  • Over half of buyers rely on reviews, especially those between 25 and 44 years old

  • Less than one in four buyers relies on traditional industry research analysts.


*TrustRadius, “The 2019 B2B Buying Disconnect”


Cost of hiring a sales person

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6 months

The time it consumes to replace an open position

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Percentage of sales people who do not have the right skills to be successful

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Today's sales process takes 22% longer than five years ago

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